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Library 101: Search Everything

Search Everything

The search box on the library home page allows you to search across multiple databases or for specific types of resources. The library staff refer to this tool as Discovery or EDS (EBSCO Discovery Service) or Search Everything.  

There are 5 different options for searching. The tab that is highlighted (shaded blue) lets you know what you are searching. Just click on the tab you want to search for...

Catalog - Books and other materials owned by Hartzler Library.  Mostly books, DVDs, items in the Historial Library.

Articles - Scholarly and popular articles from journals, magazines and newspapers

eBooks - Books available online from a number of sources

Films - Searches the DVD collection as well as streaming film sources.

Search Everything - Searches all of the above and often give you a large number of results.



Accessing Full-Text in Discovery

Using Discover is easy, you just choose the tab you want to start with, put in some search terms and click search.  Hopefully you'll get a good list of results. 

You will be able to look at abstracts but you will not be able to access full-text until you login.  You should see a yellow bar at the top of the page with "Hello Guest. Login for Full Access" message.  Click on this and you will be asked to login with your EMU royal username and password.