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Interlibrary Loan: Requesting items

Interlibrary loan (ILL) services may be used when research materials (books, journal articles, etc.) are not owned by EMU Hartzler Library. EMU provides ILL services for EMU faculty, staff and students.

Directly through EMUshare

Requests can be made directly through EMUshare

Login to EMUshare with your EMU email address and Royal password.


After you click Create you will see this screen where you can create requests.


Check to see if EMU owns what you want first

Please make sure you check to see if EMU has an item before requesting it through Interlibrary Loan.

Search Sadie for books and Full Text Finder for journals


Requesting materials when using library databases.

Most of the library databases will link to EMUshare when full-text isn't available.

Choose the Request Through Interlibrary Loan

You will be asked to login to EMUshare and the request form should be filled out for you.

Make sure you click submit!!!

What can I request?

Books, DVDs, book chapters and magazine and journal articles are the items that get requested most often.

Libraries typically do not send unique items such as dissertations and archival material.  Sometimes it is difficult to get items that have just been published.  Some libraries do not lend their DVDs or CDs.

Do not request textbooks for your classes.